Sunday, March 23, 2008

Watch your back in West Virginia

So we took a drive to Washington D.C. from St. Louis. It was a really great trip with the family... which is saying something since it was all six of us in the car for the vast majority of the vacation.
The drive was interesting to say the least. We took the Northern route to DC and the Southern route on the way back to St. Louis. There were many pretty places that we passed and many not so pretty areas.

I have to say that West Virgina was by far the worst state that we drove through. I had high hopes for it... I expected mountains, hills and greenery. It was so... what is the word... um... Dirty. The pollution factories have set up in force. We ended up having to stop near the border of Kentucky... we couldn't make it any further without stopping... and we really tried! We could not get out of there any sooner than we did.

It is then I decided that every scary movie was conceived in West Virginia. (Really... Wrong turn was based in West Virginia and I now believe that this is non-fiction!) Seriously, I could practically hear the Deliverance dueling banjos, I was sure the Hills Have Eyes, not to mention that scary movie that Al Gore was in!

So I guess if you have the opportunity... pass on West Virginia. My apologies to the West Virginia board of Tourism, but enjoy the inbreeding!


Phil G. said...

"enjoy the inbreading" ? Made me laugh. Don't tell me you watched that movie.

Crazed said...

Which movie?
I did not watch the crap fest that is thriller porn... although I occasionally do enjoy a good scare. I did watch some of the Al Gore thriller. Seriously makes me a little scared. I try not to think about it as I drive my mini van to pick up my Target plastic bags.