Friday, March 7, 2008

I Am Too Young for This Crap!

I go from being confused for a teenager into an 80 year old codger! I totally threw out my back this last week. I swear that I could not bend forward without crying out in pain. That Sucks!
I don't even know exactly what happened. All I know is that one night after a good week of hard exercise, I was sitting at the computer and BAM... My back was screaming at me. It has been such a great excuse for me to sit around and do nothing... not that I do a whole heck of a lot anyway (As My husband will attest to). But I could not even bend over to pick up my poor little boy.
At least he is getting around pretty good and climbs on everything. He is alomst self sufficient at 17 months old. HA! That says quite a bit about my child care... or lack thereof.
Seriously... I am now down to about 1 muscle relaxer a day and even did a little dancing with the kids last night. Good times!

1 comment:

Phil G. said...

Maybe a slipped disk? Last year when i was in agonizing back pain and had trouble breathing (of course I didn't do anything to instigate the pain, just woke up that way) I broke down and went to the hospital. They took some tests, x-rays, and the occasional cold hand on back, and of course nothing was wrong with me. Huh...go figure