Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Oasis of Entertainment

I hate the Strike! I really do. I wish I could just enjoy my new episodes of Pushing Daisies or CSI. I mean I still have new episodes of Friday Night Lights (sub-par episodes compared to last season... but still, they are new.) so I shouldn't complain to loudly... But c'mon! I cannot watch another episode of Singing Bee, Smarter than a 5th Grader, Deal or No Deal. Even the best of them, American Idol... (of which I stopped watching Fantasia's year... because I still do not get her) is making me crazy. As scripted as "reality TV" is... I miss the real stuff.
But something happened last night, that made me forget about evil production companies and the underpaid writers... The Gauntlet 3 started!!

My husband reminds me that it is the most obnoxious immoral television there is, which is true... and probably the reason I love it!! You could not script characters like these... Coral, Beth, CT, Kenny! Oh, I could just watch the re-runs all day, and I will! When you get gems like the self-absorbed Kenny the only guy in the house not getting any action... it is the best. And the stunts! Seriously Fear Factor has nothing on them... these kids really get hurt!
So Thank You MTV for easing my Strike woes!

1 comment:

Phil G. said...

didn't beth die of old age in the last one? How long ago was the first one?