Tuesday, December 18, 2007

¿Dónde están los aseos?

There have been some amazing inventions throughout history. Electricity, the oft worshiped television, microwave, hair dryer... you know the standards. I however have found that running water is clearly a necessity for me. Why the epiphany... I have no water!!!
So this happens to be the most unthinkable time to be without running water for me (We won't go there). So I take a lot of trips to stores with lovely toilet facilities. By the way, Target's are not bad... Walgreen's, don't even attempt, EEWWW.
I swear it is a good thing that there is not any major disasters that take place in the middle of the US, because the utility providers here are seriously lacking. Every time the wind blows you have to worry about the power going out and then staying out for weeks! Now I have to worry that when the water goes off it may take days to get it back. Can you imagine if there was something with any sort of disastrous power? We are talking third world conditions. I know I sound mellow dramatic, but ask anyone that has lived in St. Louis during the many power outages the past few years and they will tell you the same.
So I will keep on keeping on, in all of the public bathrooms in a 5 mile radius.

1 comment:

xxxx said...

You haven't posted in forever!!! :)